The Blog / March 2013

Squar-ish, blue-ish icons. And an experiment for you!

I mentioned in a post below the overwhelming dominance of blue-ish, squar-ish icons.  It would seem that designers seem to naturally gravitate towards this particular shape/colour combination like some kind of moth to a halogen flood-light.  Allow me to demonstrate.  Below is a screenshot of one of my monitors the other day. Now, whilst the […]

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A lecture I recently delivered: Hip Hop and Indigeneity

So, this is a little off-topic for people purely interested in Interaction Design, but I’m posting this here anyway.  I just gave my first lecture of the Audio Culture subject I’m helping deliver at UTS namely: ‘HipHop and Indigeneity’.  In total I’ll be doing two other lectures on ‘Dubstep’ and ‘Improvisation’.  It’s been fascinating process […]

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The Narrative Mind – Persuasion by telling tales

So I attended a campaign training session for The Greens recently – and we spent quite a bit of time talking about narrative theory and some interesting psych related aspects of campaigning.  Fascinating.  This book: ‘The Political Brain’ by Drew Westen was heavily referenced, and apparently is responsible for a major thrust of the Obama […]

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