The Blog / August 2013

Crazy audio controller, haptic feedback and power stations

[youtube=] Just a quick one today – check out this AWESOME new audio controller.  Stay with it – at first I thought this was the silliest thing in the world – a box of buttons you can wave around on stage – until I realised that: ‘No – waving it around is actually the POINT […]

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Digital Wayfinding – what real life can teach us

a So I recently did a job where I had to engage with wayfinding theory.  This is fascinating stuff: a highly specialised, well developed field that has traditionally called on elements of psychology, architecture and town planning.  Interestingly though, there are a lot of times where the same (or similar) problems exist in our virtual […]

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The Politics of Design

So things have been busy here recently, hence the dearth of new posts.  The business is starting to take off, I’ve had some fascinating work and some of that is both return and on-going work – applying Psych principles to the User Experience, as well as more straight UX work.  So this post is going […]

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Pareidolia: The face on Mars and building narrative

Seeing patterns where there aren’t any.  This is something we do all the time and is referred to as Pareidolia.  And when I say all the time – I mean ALL the time.  As in – the primary function of that lump of grey matter between our ears is to extract patterns from noise.  Our […]

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Functional fixedness… and Zen

  So much of what is talked about in HCD/UCD and Design Thinking is overcoming what in Psych terms is referred to as ‘functional fixedness’.  Ie: ‘knowing things’ about a subject.  This is reflected in assumptions – which need to be constantly re-examined to see if they are still relevant/valid.  And it is reflected in […]

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